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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

“Technical mastery…he can turn a single phrase with one note…”

The Strad

“If a musical paradise exists, it must resemble the violin of Liviu Prunaru…luminous, limpid,
radiant…a single phrase suffices for the audience to hold their breath, suspended by his
bow…with this Romanian all music flows from the source effortless, with all the natural
elegance of youth…”

Le Soir

​“The bow of Prunaru draws a true sonorous beauty and is rendered with exceptional ease, all
in simplicity, but with what grandeur! Luminous…a radiant seduction but at the same time, a
penetrating sensitivity.”

La Grande Fancy Fair d’Anvers

“The vibrato and authenticity of Prunaru resembles that of the young Menuhin.”

Jean-Michel Molkhou, Diapason

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